100 signatures reached

Dear Homeland Security Administration,
Our southern border Ports of Entry (P.O.E.), which are on US Federal Land, are not safe for the elderly and disabled. Excessive wait times in high temperatures make crossing at Ports of Entry dangerous for US Citizens, Permanent Residents and Visa Holders. The elderly and disabled are forced to wait hours, sometimes standing, in the heat with no shade, which puts their lives at risk while trying to return to their legal country of residence. Please make designated crossing lanes for the elderly and disabled that are ADA compliant in both Pedestrian and Vehicular P.O.E. Lanes across our southern border.
Our southern border Ports of Entry (P.O.E.), which are on US Federal Land, are not safe for the elderly and disabled. Excessive wait times in high temperatures make crossing at Ports of Entry dangerous for US Citizens, Permanent Residents and Visa Holders. The elderly and disabled are forced to wait hours, sometimes standing, in the heat with no shade, which puts their lives at risk while trying to return to their legal country of residence. Please make designated crossing lanes for the elderly and disabled that are ADA compliant in both Pedestrian and Vehicular P.O.E. Lanes across our southern border.
Why is this important?
"American woman, 87, dies from a heart attack while waiting more than six hours in traffic to cross the US-Mexico border - just days after CBP introduced new restrictions at entry points"
We must protect out most vulnerable populations and make sure that they are able to return home safely and are treated with integrity and respect.
Please sign this petition to urge our lawmakers to designate a P.O.E. lane for the elderly and disabled.
We must protect out most vulnerable populations and make sure that they are able to return home safely and are treated with integrity and respect.
Please sign this petition to urge our lawmakers to designate a P.O.E. lane for the elderly and disabled.