• My father has been here 30 years – help stop his deportation
    My father, Martin Martinez, has been living in this country for more than 30 years with my mother, Julia Ochoa. They have been contributing to the community here in New York for over 30 years, they have two children who are U.S. citizens (my brother and I), and a new 3-month-old granddaughter. My parents are not a danger to the public. Julia has no criminal record. Martin has two DWI charges from nearly two decades ago but has learned from his mistakes and has not been pulled over since. My parents applied for asylum in 2004, but were denied, despite the fact that my brother and I were still children (10 and 15 years old) who would have been left without their parents. They never received the letter telling them when they needed to leave, so they stayed, raising my brother and I, working hard, and paying taxes. My parents were detained in 2013, but ICE decided against deporting them after hearing from my family, community members, and leaders. ICE can use its discretion again and decide not to separate our family. Please join my family in calling on ICE to allow my father to stay with his family in the country he has called home for 30 years.
    30,604 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Maria Martinez Picture
  • Tell Congress- Education Not Walls with Our Tax Dollars
    The President submitted a proposed 2017 budget supplemental 2018 budget that includes a big increase in immigration enforcement and the military. This will come at the expense of many social, scientific and other programs that benefit working people. Among many other things, these proposed cuts would: - Reduce help for low- and moderate-income students to afford college; - Make it harder for cities and rural communities to invest in economic development - Eliminate housing and energy supports for families and seniors - Drastically reduce the capacity of agencies that monitor pollution and toxic contamination--threatening our water, air and other natural resources. Did you know that a billion dollars spent on domestic priorities such as mass transit, home weatherization, education and health care, would each produce more jobs than the same amount spent on the military?
    896 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Alianza Staff Alianza Americas
  • Governor Walker: Fire Sheriff Clarke!
    Clarke is a national pariah. His efforts to bring 287g to Milwaukee County will increase civil rights violations, hurt the economy, and make everyone less safe. 287g has been totally discredited nationwide. Where it has been implemented, it has lead to an increase in racial profiling and constitutional rights violations. Communities that enrolled in the program, like Joe Arpaio’s Maricopa County, Arizona, have wasted millions defending themselves in civil rights lawsuits, while serious crimes have gone ignored. The program would make tens of thousands of people in Milwaukee County afraid to report crimes, making all less safe. On places like Fox News and at white nationalist events like the "Deplora-ball," Clarke has compared the Black Lives Matter Movement to ISIS and made racist slurs against Black, Muslim, and Latinx community members he is sworn to protect. The deaths in the Milwaukee jail are a tragedy for which Clarke may bear legal responsibility. His harassment of a community member at the airport is shameful, and his obstruction of the investigation may well be criminal. Clarke's extremist antics in the right wing media completely misrepresent Milwaukee County and Wisconsin. Governor Walker, use your authority to fire Sheriff Clarke! --------------- Clarke es un paria nacional. Sus esfuerzos para llevar 287g al Condado de Milwaukee aumentarán las violaciones de los derechos civiles, perjudicarán a la economía, y harán que todos estén menos seguros. 287g ha sido totalmente desacreditado en todo el país. Cuando se ha implementado, ha llevado a un aumento en el perfil racial y violaciones de los derechos constitucionales. Comunidades que formaron parte del programa, como el condado de Maricopa de Joe Arpaio, en Arizona, han perdido millones defendiéndose en demandas de derechos civiles, mientras que los delitos graves han sido ignorados. El programa haría que decenas de miles de personas en el Condado de Milwaukee tuvieran miedo de denunciar los delitos, haciendo que todo fuera menos seguro. En lugares como Fox News y en eventos nacionalistas como el "Deplora-ball", Clarke comparó el Movimiento de las Vidas Negras con ISIS e hizo insultos racistas contra miembros de la comunidad negra, musulmana y latinx a quienes juró proteger. Las muertes en la cárcel de Milwaukee son una tragedia por la cual Clarke podría tener responsabilidad legal. Su acoso de un miembro de la comunidad en el aeropuerto es vergonzoso, y su obstrucción de la investigación bien podría ser criminal. Las tonterías extremistas de Clarke en los medios de comunicación son una desgracia para el condado de Milwaukee y Wisconsin. ¡Gobernador Walker, use su autoridad para despedir al Sheriff Clarke!
    10,134 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Voces de la Frontera Picture